¿Cómo diseñar un mini satélite del tamaño de una lata de gaseosa (CANSAT) con sensores de temperatura, altitud, presión, atmósféricas, velocidad, otras variables climáticas y de geolocalización (GALILEO/GPS/otros) y que esté apto para volar a 1000 metros de altura?
Para participar en este reto, el líder del equipo expositor deberá diligenciar el formato de registo del CANSAT en el enlace indicado. El formato preguntará la Categoría a la cual se presenta: Águilas para estudiantes de 8 a 10 semestre y posgrados así mismo profesionales titulados; Cóndores para estudiantes de 1 a 7 semestre, técnicos y tecnológicos; Papagayos para estudiantes y un profesor de Educación Media; Loros para estudiantes y un profesor de Educación Básica.
El grupo debe elegir una identificación placa del CANSAT, una combinación de cuatro letras en Mayúsculas seguidas de cuatro números.que no se repitan consecutivamente, anexar una Imagen del CANSAT, un Resumen de 100 palabras (tanto en inglés como en español) y un video de un minuto de presentación general del CANSAT (publicado en youtube).
Dado que los concursantes podrán ser escogidos para una posible misión de vuelo y en atención a regulaciones aeronáuticas específicas se hace necesario conocer de antemano algunos detalles del CANSAT y su misión, entre otros: Descripción de la instrumentación de navegación y telemetría, Equipos, frecuencias, potencia de transmisión, configuración de la antena, polarización, ancho de banda, sistema de grabación, otros sistemas, Sistema de recuperación, Sistema de experimentación, Descripción detallada del todo el segmento de tierra incluyendo material y equipo, Sistema de mando y control, Segmento de tierra, Sistema de soporte de misión, Equipos de apoyo, Predicción del desempeño de la misión, Relación de pruebas o ensayos desarrollados de los componentes o sistemas, Resultados de pruebas de integración de componentes o sistemas, Requerimientos para el vuelo, Condiciones del Lanzamiento, Cronograma de lanzamiento, antes, durante y posterior al lanzamiento, Lista de los principales eventos de la cuenta regresiva, Protocolo de recuperación, Análisis de riegos de la misión, y otros aspectos para asegurar el éxito de la misión.
Día 1 (Octubre 15) RETO DE INNOVACIÓN "Robótica Agrícola y Espacial" (Exposición de ROVERS).
Ir a la página del RETO ROVER:
7:30 AM. Registro y Bienvenida
7:45 AM Sesión de Instalación
Presidente AESS Colombia
Decano de Ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital
Oficial de la FAC
8:15 AM Conferencia "Mi primer satélite: Sputnik"
Doctor Jorge Reynolds Pombo
8:45 AM Presentación y Exposición de Cansat - Categorías Loros y Papagayos.
10:00 AM Café.
10:15 AM Presentación y Exposición de Cansat - Categorías Cóndores y Águilas.
11: 45 AM Selección de CANSAT para conformar lista de interesados aptos para misión de vuelo.
12:00 M Cierre.
Atención: Para ingresar al Auditorio Sabio Caldas el miércoles 16 de octubre de 2019 se requiere inscripción en este formulario:
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IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS). Con el acompañamiento de: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas y Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.
ORGANIZACIONES ALIADAS: EdSTEM NASA Colombia, Mi Canal 4.0, ComputerWorldCo, RAS IEEE, Rama Estudiantil IEEE UD, RAMA ESTUDIANTIL ETITC, Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital, Centro de Relaciones Interinstitucionales CERI, Laud 90.4 FM estéreo, Foro del Consejo Superior Universitario, Oficina de Egresados UD.
1- CANSAT: SATE1930 is “The design and configuration of the CanSat will consist on the measurement and data transmission. For this, it's going to be used electronic sensors to measure the exterior magnitudes: temperature, presion, height in relation of sea and humidity. The data sending (CanSat telemetry) will be made from a certain height and will be received on real time to a station.”, acording with Juan Camilo Ibañez Patiño, leader of Grupo de desarrollo satelital GDS, Colegio Lausana, from Suba. Category: Parrots.
2- CANSAT: USAC2019 is “Sergio Arboleda University has tried to push the development of aerospace technology within the School of Exact Sciences and Engineering. From the seedbed of research for undergraduates around space-related topics, we have decided to get started in the creation of a CanSat-type satellite that allows us to take data from a set of sensors embedded. With this, we want to motivate and encourage the decision-making from the farmers in their daily work according to the analysis of the acquired information downloaded from the CanSat.”, according to Sergio Andrés Sánchez Sanjuán, leader of Antares, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, from Chapinero. Category: Condors.
3- CANSAT: ATLC2019 is “The purpose of the CanSat is to record the forces that occur in the flight of a model rocket, it uses an xbee s1 to transmit the data to a computer and we developed an interface to visualize the information received. Uses an Arduino to capture the information of an accelerometer and a barometer, it is currently under development, the recovery system and the installation of the components in a printed circuit are missing.”, according to Daniel Alejandro Rodriguez Suarez, leader of ATL, Universidad Distrital, from Chapinero. Category: Condors.
4- CANSAT: KEFA0410 is “The cansat KEFA is a functional nanosatellite, designed and built to fulfill a proposed meteorological mission within the framework of the innovation challenge 2019. It must be launched from an approximate height of one kilometer while recording environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, and quality of air. While sending this data to a grounded station, it also has a recovery system and a launched protocol that will mitigate the risks of the mission. Once on land, KEFA as a whole will continue to be useful and can be used as a weather station that serves the interests and needs of the agricultural sector.”, according to Kennet Julian Rueda Espinosa, leader of KEFAM-Gida, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, from Teusaquillo. Category: Condors.
5- CANSAT: TCMD2019 is “This work describes the development of a Cansat type satellite, that is to say, a satellite that fits in a can of soda, for the measurement of ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, and contamination by particulate material (2.5-10) microns, this device transmits the information of the variables felt towards an earth station connected to a computerized system.”, according with Carlos Alberto Herazo G., leader of Semillero SERO, CORPORACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA MINUTO DE DIOS, from Engativá. Category: Condors.
6- CANSAT: BIOS2019 is “BioSat1 is a small satellite that allows monitoring in real-time the atmospheric variables, magnetic fields, UV radiation and luminosity of a given point in various missions, allowing to obtain detailed information of places of difficult access for the human being”, according to Ricardo Andrés Santa Quintero, leader of BIOSat - SoftwareUltimate, Independiente, from Barrios Unidos. Category: Eagles.
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS). Con el acompañamiento de: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas y Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.
ORGANIZACIONES ALIADAS: EdSTEM NASA Colombia, Mi Canal 4.0, ComputerWorldCo, RAS IEEE, Rama Estudiantil IEEE UD, RAMA ESTUDIANTIL ETITC, Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital, Centro de Relaciones Interinstitucionales CERI, Laud 90.4 FM estéreo, Foro del Consejo Superior Universitario, Oficina de Egresados UD.
1- CANSAT: SATE1930 is “The design and configuration of the CanSat will consist on the measurement and data transmission. For this, it's going to be used electronic sensors to measure the exterior magnitudes: temperature, presion, height in relation of sea and humidity. The data sending (CanSat telemetry) will be made from a certain height and will be received on real time to a station.”, acording with Juan Camilo Ibañez Patiño, leader of Grupo de desarrollo satelital GDS, Colegio Lausana, from Suba. Category: Parrots.
2- CANSAT: USAC2019 is “Sergio Arboleda University has tried to push the development of aerospace technology within the School of Exact Sciences and Engineering. From the seedbed of research for undergraduates around space-related topics, we have decided to get started in the creation of a CanSat-type satellite that allows us to take data from a set of sensors embedded. With this, we want to motivate and encourage the decision-making from the farmers in their daily work according to the analysis of the acquired information downloaded from the CanSat.”, according to Sergio Andrés Sánchez Sanjuán, leader of Antares, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, from Chapinero. Category: Condors.
3- CANSAT: ATLC2019 is “The purpose of the CanSat is to record the forces that occur in the flight of a model rocket, it uses an xbee s1 to transmit the data to a computer and we developed an interface to visualize the information received. Uses an Arduino to capture the information of an accelerometer and a barometer, it is currently under development, the recovery system and the installation of the components in a printed circuit are missing.”, according to Daniel Alejandro Rodriguez Suarez, leader of ATL, Universidad Distrital, from Chapinero. Category: Condors.
4- CANSAT: KEFA0410 is “The cansat KEFA is a functional nanosatellite, designed and built to fulfill a proposed meteorological mission within the framework of the innovation challenge 2019. It must be launched from an approximate height of one kilometer while recording environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, and quality of air. While sending this data to a grounded station, it also has a recovery system and a launched protocol that will mitigate the risks of the mission. Once on land, KEFA as a whole will continue to be useful and can be used as a weather station that serves the interests and needs of the agricultural sector.”, according to Kennet Julian Rueda Espinosa, leader of KEFAM-Gida, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, from Teusaquillo. Category: Condors.
5- CANSAT: TCMD2019 is “This work describes the development of a Cansat type satellite, that is to say, a satellite that fits in a can of soda, for the measurement of ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, and contamination by particulate material (2.5-10) microns, this device transmits the information of the variables felt towards an earth station connected to a computerized system.”, according with Carlos Alberto Herazo G., leader of Semillero SERO, CORPORACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA MINUTO DE DIOS, from Engativá. Category: Condors.
6- CANSAT: BIOS2019 is “BioSat1 is a small satellite that allows monitoring in real-time the atmospheric variables, magnetic fields, UV radiation and luminosity of a given point in various missions, allowing to obtain detailed information of places of difficult access for the human being”, according to Ricardo Andrés Santa Quintero, leader of BIOSat - SoftwareUltimate, Independiente, from Barrios Unidos. Category: Eagles.
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