sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2023

The 2024 Martian rover innovation race begins now

Ya comienza la carrera de innovación del ROVER marciano 2024 con 3 águilas;  3 cóndores y 1 papagayos.

Seven teams from Tunja and Bogotá confirmed their participation in the "ROVER 2024 Innovation Challenge"; three eagles, 3 condors and a parrot; This is how the great Martian rover race 2024 begins.

Argos 3435 rover is thought to work based on recycle components from other devices as commercial components too, in addition is planned the use of open-source software to program the rover behavior... Nexus1333 wants to provide a design that allows to build and verify the scope that can be obtained from the sum of the capabilities, skills and abilities... ASTRO 2024 has a team of engineers from different fields, from mechatronics to biomedical, which makes our rover to be built from different fields of action and perspectives...

Who are the challengers? For now we keep the names of the protagonists reserved; next January 28, the teams registered in this great race for the robotic conquest of space will be announced.

There is still time to register more challenger teams with a Martian rover.

The mission of the challenge is to identify environmental and climatic conditions and plant three corn seeds on Mars. Participants must design, build and test a rover. This rover must identify climatic and environmental conditions. The rover must have the ability to move autonomously in a simulated extraterrestrial terrain environment and plant three corn seeds in simulated Martian terrain. The winning teams will receive an IEEE AESS Innovative Merit plaque, AESS medals and other recognitions.

Registration for the challenge will be open until January 28, 2024 (last deadline).

See contest rules here: ROVER 2024 CALL

Participants can REGISTER HERE
CIERRE DE INSCRIPCIONES: 1 de febrero de 2024


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